Welcome To Menokatea
- Menokatea became the first garden in Tea Industry started online wages payment
- https://www.telegraphindia.com/1161127/jsp/
northeast/story_121569.jsp - History of Menoka Tea Estate goes back to more than 100 years. The garden was originally named Brahmputra Himalayan Tea Co. Ltd.
More About Menokatea
Growing tea always involves a healthy "compromise" between two Q´s, namely, quantity versus quality. While the former is a short term outlook, the latter implies long term mission. MENOKATEA follows and executes both the maxims. The estate follows the basic ingredients of garden husbandry. The methods and systems being applied in the estate today are well-defined so that pristine purity at all level is maintained. Right from harvesting of green leaf, to its carriage up to the processing unit, its post-harvesting handling is carried out in an asceptic condition. To avoid bacterial contamination in the tea processing unit all the machinery as well as the fermenting surfaces are steam cleaned once in every two or three hours.
MENOKATEA sticks to auditing system at level of field practices and in the manufacturing unit. Great importance is given to tea sorting and packing. Care for the plantation environment has been the priority. Minimum chances are allowed to pesticide or herbicide to exceed limit in the finished product through judicious and need based use of agro-inputs. The estate management is acutely aware of global sensitivity towards pesticide and other toxic metal residue in the made tea. To ensure this the company has acquired internationally accredited certification of ISO 22000:2005 . Social welfare for the estate workers are to the point as the corporate firmly believes in the basic philosophy of economics namely "Land, Labor, Capital and Organization"
The company runs in close association with two parent bodies. The technical know-how is adopted on a regular basis from Tea Research Association – world´s oldest and only research institute engaged in multifarious research activities related to tea. Necessary cooperation is sought from Tea Association of India – an organization that provides guidance on all related aspects of workers welfare.
Some of the grades that MENOKATEA estate produces are STGFOP, FTGFOP, TGFOP,GFOP,FBOP, BP. In spite of making quality tea, the company does not take it as granted. Teas are tested at laboratory from time to time to know whether the finished product bears the same level of attributes. Our tea shoots consistently bear the acceptable level of quality attributes in terms of Chemical Component in Tea Shoot.
MENOKATEA produces orthodox tea with desirable aroma in the liquor perceived through the mouth, as distinct from via the nose. Due to this special quality MENOKATEA enjoys high image and impression from the registered tea tasters. This has given a collateral advantage on merchandising basics of MENOKATEA. This has become so popular amongst customers that the company´s name itself has become a brand by default.
Our Garden
History of Menoka Tea Estate goes back to more than 100 years. The garden originally named Brahmputra Himalayan Tea Co. Ltd was developed by Britishers and in early 50's it was acquired by Late Pulin Krishna Roy, an eminent businessman from Bengal who renamed it 'Menoka' after the deity of temple within the tea estate. In 1958, soon after the Companies Act, 1956 was enacted, the estate was converted into a Private Limited Company, with Late Pulin Krishna Roy, founder, as its promoter and first Managing Director.